Ribbon Cutting & Grand Opening Ceremony for New Members
New Member Welcome baskets delivered directly to your business
Personal Welcome to New Members at Monthly Mixers
Listing in Annual City Guide – 15,000 copies distributed to all Rancho Mirage residents, hotels & members as well as digital presence on www.ranchomiragechamber.com
Chamber Referrals to residents, businesses & visitors
Cost saving discounts and specials from other Chamber members – Hot Deals
Networking & business promotion at Monthly Mixer
Opportunity to display business brochure & cards at the Chamber Office
Join one of our committees: Marketing, Ambassador, Programs/Events or Membership
Advertising Opportunities: Discounted rates in the Annual City Guide, Website Banner advertising on www.ranchomiragechamber.com and E‐blasts
Opportunity for Social Media presence on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram
Access to our Rancho Mirage ‘bloggers’
Opportunity to host a Monthly Mixer
Direct Access to City of Rancho Mirage staff
Member rate for use of conference room (up to 14 people) and office space with wifi